CAA Atlantic shielded from COVID-19 by AXIS Web Direct

We’ve recently chatted with Bret Ross, the Vice President of IT at CAA Atlantic, who shared with us some tips on how an auto club can stay connected to its members during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly by taking advantage of Campana’s AXIS Web Direct offering.

When asked about the value of bringing AXIS Web Direct to his club, Bret was keen to mention that the tool implemented prior to COVID-19, prevented any negative impacts from the pandemic.  All work, done by 20 external contractors, was remote before so there was thankfully zero impact.

AXIS Web Direct had several benefits to CAA Atlantic when originally implemented:

  • The ability to be more streamlined. New members being added to the AXIS system saved the club from doing manual updates.
  • Risk reduction. “AXIS Web Direct is limited to what we want our outbound marketers to do, minimizing risk associated with data corruption. And member pay card data is protected by the same security throughout.”
  • With AXIS, there was minimal support needed from IT staff, allowing the team to focus on more proactive project-oriented work vs. being reactive.

When asked how AXIS Web Direct contributed to the success of his club as a whole, Bret was proud to say that Campana’s remote offering was a staple for his club.

“The benefits of having a remote tool that can be used by a third party that is simple to support, scalable, and secure has added significant value. It has helped with member recruitment and member growth, which is significant to us.

It allows us to scale up resources working on outbound campaigns without any impact to member service or office space since the temporary staff are remote”.

To learn more about AXIS Web Direct please reach out to Tony Dietrich at